Auto Loan Protection

Cars break down. Accidents happen. Don’t get stuck paying off the auto loan on a totaled vehicle or paying for costly repairs. Purchase GAP Insurance and lean on Arbor Financial for cost-effective auto loan protection programs that provide peace of mind.

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Protect your assets. Ease your mind.

Major vehicle repairs, totaled cars, and injured breadwinners can all result in financial crises for your family — but they don’t have to. 

A few dollars invested in Arbor Financial Loan Protection program covers repairs and helps repay loans. Preventive maintenance is the best maintenance. Call 269.488.5945  to speak with a friendly loan specialist today for more information.

Extended Vehicle Warranty:

  • Zero Deductible
  • Nationwide Coverage
  • 24/7/365 Roadside Assistance
  • 30-Day Money-back Guarantee
  • Transferable Coverage if you sell your vehicle, providing resale value 
  • Total Loss Refund if your car is totaled1
  • You can select the mechanic of your choice (must be ASE certified) 
  • Provides you with peace of mind when you travel

Learn more about our Extended Vehicle Warranty!  

Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) is for those who finance new or used vehicles:

  • GAP ensures you can pay off your loan in the event your vehicle is totaled or stolen and not recovered
  • Policy can also be purchased anytime during the life of the loan, as long as the vehicle has not been totaled or stolen
  • Policy cost can be financed with your original auto loan
  • Helps eliminate “out-of-pocket” expenses
  • Eases the burden of purchasing a replacement vehicle
  • Policy holders receive $1,000 towards your next Arbor Financial-financed vehicle if the covered vehicle is totaled

Debt Protection Program saves borrowers and families from financial hardship:

  • Debt protection helps borrowers with monthly payments if something happens
  • Coverage protects borrowers in the event of disability, sickness, accident, or death
  • Cost of the policy can be rolled into the initial loan
1. Must purchase Total Loss Refund option.
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